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Maisie’s Amazing Experience

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“My daughter Maisie who is 5 years old and has Down Syndrome, had an opportunity toKelah and Maisie take part in a sailing trip with The Sailing Angels Foundation. This was a once in a lifetime experience and one of the most amazing experiences for her as well as myself. I wasn’t sure of how to prepare Maisie for the trip but figured she would have a good time on the water and boy was I right! Once we got situated in the boat and was ready to launch into the water, Maisie started singing “Row, row, row your boat.” This really took everyone by surprise because she start singing a very fitting song and it was a song that I didn’t even know she knew. We all joined in and sang it with her as we happily sailed away in the water.

“This made the trip get off to a great start. During the boat ride, Maisie had a chance to put on the Sailor’s hat and steer the wheel with some assistance. She absolutely loved it and kept wanting another turn at steering. It was so serene and tranquil being on the water and it seemed to have removed all the cares in the world…at least for that moment. I am looking forward to Maisie’s next sailing trip and can’t wait to see what new thing she will say or do to express her excitement for being on the boat for another sailing adventure!”