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Kelah Raymond-Garner, a volunteer and a veteran

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The wings of the Sailing Angels Organization also embrace war veterans. These courageous men and women find a valuable therapeutic aid in their transitional journey to civilian life. En españolKelah in the Army copy (1)

“The experience is unsurmountable” says former Army Sargent Kelah Raymond, war veteran who now works in the corporate world. We talked to Kelah during a morning sail with the Sailing Angels organization.

“Vets have an opportunity to sit back, and get into non-thinking mode; sitting back and enjoying the calm of nature, not thinking about their ailments, or whatever has brought them to the place of being in a vet program.”

“The camaraderie remains intact,” Kelah added. “Even though the vets sailing together Kelah - Ahviandon’t know each other they have the same experiences, difficulties and challenges in common.”

Sergeant Raymond affirms that the majority of “Modern” war veterans are not older than 29 years old. However, on this morning’s sail there was a much older veteran whose presence reminded her of her own father.

Kelah’s father was an ex-marine that overcame addictions caused by combat experiences and extended separation from loved ones. “The sooner the healing begins, the sooner you are healed” said Kelah.

Helping in this healing process is precisely the reason why Kelah decided to become a volunteer with Sailing Angels three years ago.

“With vets, I speak their language,” said Kelah. Her ability was acquired through her military experience and also through her work in corporate human resources.kelah - boatswain chair 5

She relates to them as they share their battlefield memories in the middle of a calm morning sail. Kelah feels peace and serenity in them as they share their experiences.

Kelah Raymond’s transition to civilian life was relatively simple, she affirmed. And now from her current position she can help veterans in their process of assimilation into civilian life.

They bring leadership to the corporate world, the discipline to execute without questioning; they get the job done even when they disagree.

“They collaborate, foster camaraderie, have a high sense of loyalty, they’re open to diversity, and perform well in dangerous situations. All this makes them exceptional employees,” said Kelah.

Kelah, through her corporate job and her volunteer work with Sailing Angels contributes her “Grain of sand” to help veterans heal and move forward in the same process she experienced.

“I’ve walked in their shoes and so I get it,” Kelah concluded.