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Joshua Did It!

“As 2014 comes to an end, I can’t help but reminisce what this year has brought us…. joshuaHealth, trips, toys, family, friends… But above all JOY! Eight years ago, my son Joshua was  diagnosed with Down Syndrome, a chromosomal disorder that I knew nothing about except that I knew my son would do many of the things doctors said he wouldn’t.

“One of the wonderful people that has touched our lives is Capt. Dave.  He is not a captain of the biggest vessel you can think of… but he does have one of the biggest hearts! Joshua has been sailing with Captain Dave for about 2 years now; he has been able to drive the boat, wear the captain’s hat and even raise the sail! Joshua has been able to do many of the things that doctors said he wouldn’t.

‘Our sails on Galveston Bay not only help with Joshua’s gross motor skills (getting on and off the boat, keeping his balance, pulling on ropes) but it also helps with his cognitive development, his curiosity and speech. Every sail is an experience for us to talk about “who lives in the ocean.” We have seen seagulls, flying fish and in some lucky days we have also seen dolphins!!! But nothing compares to the true joys of the simple things in life like wearing the captain’s hat or getting that beautiful medal of accomplishment at the end of every sail…

‘We thank the Sailing Angels, Capt. Dave and his crew of volunteers who open up their hearts and sail boats to help many children with special needs experience something that many couldn’t otherwise experience. To a very successful 2015 and to many, many sails more together!!!”